
Fragen von Japanern

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قاموس من الانجليزية الى العربية
EZ Dictionary is more than just the average English to English dictionary software or website; the program showcases a user friendly platform,
wherein you can simply search for the definition of a term, word or phrase. Definitions aren’t the only things displayed when searching for a term.
You will also see the synonyms, antonyms, plural forms, and how the word is used in a sentence, in relation to each given definition. This way,
grammatical errors won’t be committed in using a new term for speech or writing, promoting proper flow and verbal cohesion. Furthermore,
when surfing the Internet, you can readily view the definitions of unknown words or terms encountered by simply hovering your mouse to a particular word or phrase,
and pressing CTRL on your keyboard. Be it a normal word, a technical term, a medical reference – pretty much any term that you find confusing
– the software will instantly provide the answers. Researchers, medical students, journalists, businessmen, copywriters,
book readers are just a few of many people who would thoroughly benefit from the free dictionary download.
Surfing the Internet will be perpetually informative, promoting a lot of convenience for every curious or academic netizen.
[36] 2014年11月25日 (火) 07時20分


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